Higher Education - Los Angeles, California, United States
The Master of Science in Global Medicine answers the urgent, worldwide need for professional training in concepts of global medicine.In today's globalized society, we are inundated with news of health crises and disparities around the world. Whether these challenges result from environmental disasters, poverty, or lack of disease prevention tactics and health education, their devastating impact cannot be ignored. Developed to respond to the overwhelming need and student demand for education and training in global health, the Master of Science in Global Medicine program prepares students to meet the most pressing health needs of our world today.A product of collaboration among Dean Carmen Puliafito, Vice Dean for Medical Education Henri Ford, and Associate Deans Elahe Nezami and Allan Abbott, the Master of Science in Global Medicine program is one of the only programs of its kind in the nation. The first class of 12 students enrolled in 2008. Since then, the program has grown with new classes, course tracks, internships and international opportunities.Global Medicine students begin the program by building a foundation of basic medical knowledge in the Core Principles Systems courses. They then take courses that examine health issues from the socioeconomic and cultural perspectives of a given region or population, as well as electives providing in-depth knowledge about the epidemics that most threaten today's global population. Beyond merely understanding the diseases, students are expected to master core public health concepts such as epidemiology. These skills enable graduates to plan and promote realistic, culturally sensitive health interventions in areas of need.