Government Administration - , , Australia
MBS Academy is a leading provider of Emerging Technology training for enterprise professionals in APAC, EMEA and Americas. Our training is focused primarily on WHY and WHAT, as opposed to HOW. We cover the areas of Digital Transformation, Business Intelligence, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT), Robotics, Blockchain and Cybersecurity. Trainers at the Academy have extensive experience in designing and delivering Masterclasses in Industry and the Higher Education system. In all our training events we focus on the right balance between theory and practice. Each topic, after being presented, is reinforced through a round-table discussion. Afterwards, the attendees perform the tasks themselves, thus increasing their confidence and retention rates.In addition, at the end of each Masterclass participants can take and apply on the next day in their workplace not just their new skills but also a specific product, e.g. a Digital Transformation checklist, a Blue Ocean Strategy blueprint or a fully functional Big Data environment.