Nonprofit Organization Management - Oria, Puglia, Italy
The Society "Milites Friderici II" of Oria wasfounded in 2003 by a group of young highschool students strongly passionate aboutmedieval History and it grew up in theevocative atmosphere of the town's districtsmedieval tournament.President and founder of the Society is theprofessor Ennio Suma, who provides thegroup his long experience as a Historyteacher.The objectives that the "Milites Friderici II"aim to achieve are basically two:• The first is to do Living History throughHistorical Reenactment, to accuratelyportray ancient events, exercising a social,educational action in the most qualifiedand documented possible way.• The Society also aims at reaching out tostudents, showing them how to use faithfulreconstructions, true to historical sourcesand iconography, in order to achieveeducational goals for cultural and personalgrowth.The "Milites Friderici II" live and work in thesame context in which the great EmperorFrederick II has left indelible traces of hispresence, like the magnificent Swabianmanor, and it mainly focuses on the twelfthand thirteenth centuries with regard toclothing, weapons, combat techniques, lifeon the field and preparation of food andbeverages.