Online Media - , , is designed to be an online opinion-editorial page written by our users in the Millennial Generation - those between 18 and 30 years old.We don't have much of a staff - a few tech people, a few business folks, and a handful of proofreaders and editors.While we do write some of the content, this site is meant to make the ideas and thoughts of our users available to the world.We think there are some great minds out there that, due to their age, have thus far been shut out of the dialogue. is a place where anyone can discuss anything.It is not, however, a blog or an oversized discussion board.Though our content is created and submitted by our users, it is not automatically published.We do not have moderators which simply approve submissions; we have editors who engage with the writers to improve their work.Users do not leave brief comments, they respond with their own submissions and with developed arguments.We also don't believe in restricting our user's imagination.In our sections, you'll find a wide range of topics - from the music industry, to politics, to business, to baby names. We want everything.From how wrong it is to label three countries as an axis of evil to how wrong it is to label a three buttoned coat as a blazer. No topic is too random - but be sure to make your submission relevant.And remember: when you think a topic is being ignored - if you write it, they will come.There is one other big idea behind We also think that all these ideas are worth something.That's why we pay our users who submit material.It's going to start small - $3 per published piece per month. But pretty soon we will be implementing a plan which pays you based on your piece's performance - essentially, if we make money, you will make money. We think that's a pretty nifty idea - and hope you agree. (In the mean time, 10 pieces will make you $30 bucks each month - which is money.)So what is It is a place where you can have your voice heard, get paid to do so, and in the process may help spread a little enlightenment.So that's pretty much it: Write words. Get paid. Close the Disconnect.