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Mindglobe Meditations center is a center for learning meditations, Yoga, Reiki, Kundalini, Patanjali yoga, Mantra chanting and Pranayama. Mindglobe help you these course created to provide clear, easy, concise meditation instruction to people everywhere.If you are just learning to meditate, you'll find everything necessary to get started quickly and easily. If you are already practicing meditation, you may discover new methods to deepen your practice.A variety of meditation techniques have been included, each producing its own unique experiences and benefits. The instructions for each meditation are written concisely, making it easy to read through them and try out the technique straight away. The information you'll find here is universal... drawn from many of the world's spiritual traditions... not representative of any one path. Mindglobe Meditations center have following Courses through two ways,one is the workshop center, another one is online course. MeditationYogaReikiPranayamaKundaliniPatanjali yogaMantra chanting