E-learning - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
What if you approached everyday life a little differently? If you participated in everything life offers you, if you encouraged and created community, embarked on a mission to make real change for good in the world? What if you focused on connecting with new people and found great enjoyment in doing so? What if experiencing something new and different brought you real joy and accomplishment? What if you step outside of your comfort zone little by little every day, facing uncertainty and embracing expansion and feeling empowered? What if everyday life was an adventure? Adventure is not necessarily rock climbing, travelling, jumping out of a plane, skiing, mountain biking, trekking or going on a cruise or a jungle safari. What if I told you that Adventure is a state of mind, a journey of discovery? Adventure is giving great thought to who you are, your identity. It's about stepping into your capabilities and showing the world your true potential. It's about connection, collaboration and community and living life with energy, clarity, strength, determination and purpose. It's having an impact and giving back to the world. It's THRIVING in life. Modern Mums Movement is about reframing your idea of Adventure and being open to new experiences . It's about finding your THRIVE again. Let's Begin.