Electrical/electronic Manufacturing - Una, Himachal Pradesh, India
Monal Bio Technologies Private Limited was established in the year 2003 with a vision to cater the needs of organic farming . We are a distinguished company engaged in manufacturing and supplying a compendious range of Biotechnology Products. Our Product Ranges from Tissue Cultured Plants(Flori-culture Forestry Orchids Root-stocks) to Biofertilizers. Tissue Cultured Plants are preferred over the conventional plants for species that have long generation time low levels of seed production or seeds that do not readily germinateRapid propagation is possible. It helps to eliminate plant diseases through careful stock selection and sterile techniques. We can provide GerberaCarnation Asiatic Lilly OrchidsApple RootstockStrawberry Paulownia.We have acquired IARI's NPK Bio-fertilizer formulation and have a high production capacity to meet the demands of growing organic Agriculture. Bio-fertilizers are a safe alternative to chemical fertilizers to minimize the ecological disturbance. Bio-fertilizers are cost effective eco-friendly.They increase crop yield upto 10-40% and fix nitrogen upto 40-50 Kg. The other plus point is that after using 3-4 years continuously there is no need of application of bio-fertilizers because parental inoculums are sufficient for growth and multiplication. They improve soil texture pH and other properties of soil. They produces plant growth promoting substances IAA amino acids vitamins etc.