Nonprofit Organization Management - , , South Africa
MOT South Africa is a registered and leading Public Benefit and Non-Profit Organisation, specialising in life-skills development among the youth. MOT SA works with the youth in a structured learning environment, teaching young people to make conscious life choices that will enable them to develop to their full potential and to show courage.The MOT training programmes give young people the strength to manage peer pressure, to believe in themselves and to take responsibility for their own lives and future. MOT focuses strongly on the development of self-confidence, sound values, positive attitude and behaviour, self-leadership and to respect and care for others.In 2017, MOT SA won the Western Cape Department of Social Development's Ministerial Youth Excellence Silver Award in the category "Creating Youth Leaders" as well as the Mail & Guardian's "Investing in the Future" Youth Development Award. Both awards recognizes outstanding organisations who have contributed to towards youth development and best practice in their fields.Read about MOT's philosophy here:
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