Education Management - Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand
Tēnā rawa atu tātou!E rere arorangi ana te kupu whakanui ki a koutou. Anei rā te reo o Ngā Rangahautira e haere kōripo ana ki tēnā, ki tēnā. Kei taku nui, kei taku rahi, e ao ana te mihi!E mea nei te kōrero ko te manu e kai ana i te miro, nōna te wao, ko te manu e kai ana i te mātauranga, nōna te ao. Ko Ngā Rangahautira tēnei e matekai ana ki tā te rangatira kai, e nanao ana ki ngā hua o te pukapuka, me kore rānei ka riro katoa i a Ngāi Māori tōna ao, ka whakahokia anō te mana Māori ki tōna anō ikeiketanga. Ā kāti, kōkiri!Ngā Rangahautira is the Māori Law Students Association at Victoria University, the roots of this rōpu were set down in 1986 by Sir Eddie Durie and Dr Moana Jackson.Ngā Rangahautira always seeks to inspire and imbue success within tauira Māori at law school, as well as acknowledge the achievements of alumni and other successful Māori in the legal world. Our ultimate goal as a rōpu is to provide a nurturing, enjoyable and fulfilling learning experience for tauira Māori. One where tauira feel safe and part of a whānau that practices tautoko and manaaki. We are a bastion of whanaungatanga throughout the law school journey. To achieve this, we host noho marae, tikanga workshops, academic workshops, networking events, inspirational speaker events and various social events, to name a few.We also seek to foster and maintain good relationships with rōpu and firms outside of law school in order to provide our tauira with opportunities and insights as to what is out there in the legal profession, whether this be in the public, private or not-for-profit sectors. We welcome all tauira Māori to our rōpu and want each and every one of them pursuing the law degree to achieve. E te tī, e te tā, nau mai haramai nā, Nā māua, nāAphiphany Forward-Taua me Eru Kapa-KingiNgā Rangahautira Co-Presidents 2019