E-learning - , ,
NoteNinja is an online marketplace that allows university students to buy and sell appropriate class materials such as lecture notes, study notes & study guides. This system allows struggling students to access study notes at affordable prices and also allows our note providing students to make some extra money off their own intellectual property.Students often prefer to listen and try to understand during class without trying to concentrate on taking notes at the same time. Students often miss lectures all together because of work or being sick. Many students create their own study notes but find that they are just not as good as they could be. We are now offering those students a solution by allowing them to connect with other students and purchase the notes created by their classmates.We are also trying to create an incentive for diligent students by giving them a chance to earn money by uploading their study notes. Anyone is allowed to upload a study note to our website as long as the work is your own intellectual property and you are not copying the work of others.