Management Consulting - Basingstoke, England, United Kingdom
Oakley Services UK Limited has extensive experience of a wide range of business development and compliance services including First Aid training and supplies, Defibrillator training and sales, Health & Safety training and consultancy, Engineering skills development and Organisational Development services. Throughout the company this is achieved by assessment, development, training and consultancy services. Our team Quality training requires high-calibre consultants. Oakley has gathered together a large and impressive team of high-quality training professionals who deliver our programmes across a wide range of subjects. Common to all of them is the commitment and enthusiasm to deliver training that deploys the most modern techniques and yet is set in the context of traditional values of service and care. Oakley trainers not only have great expertise in their subject. They also have extensive experience. This means they can bring our training to life - citing real life examples and situations that delegates can relate to, not only helping them to grasp the fundamentals of a subject but also gaining a more advanced understanding. Oakley Services offers an impressive range of nationwide training venues that's readily accessible through excellent road and rail links. Whatever your needs contact the Oakley Services
Microsoft Office 365