Marketing & Advertising - Shenzhen Shi, Guangdong Sheng, China
OktuMedia ( 奥克图传媒(深圳)有限公司) understands that corporations need to have targets and goals to grow. But there are a variety of options available in modern day advertising. Some of these are becoming less and less effective. Instead, we offer responsive, aesthetically appealing branding, websites, and calculable marketing efforts through SEO, social media, and Google AdWords.OktuMedia 理解企业的茁壮成长离不开目标制定与计划实行。但在多样化的市场选择中,一些方法已无法达到高效的市场反馈。根据现代化的市场趋势,取而代之的是通过搜索引擎,社交媒体,谷歌关键词提供具有响应性,美学吸引力的品牌和网站,并将可预测的市场营销工作效果最大化。We offer mobile application development for both iOS and Android users.我们并为IOS和Android用户提供移动应用程序开发。We are located in Shenzhen(China) & Chennai (India) offering services Globally. 服务范围覆盖全球,我们坐落于深圳(中国)和金奈(印度)