Education Management - , ,
On Point Strategy seeks to provide its clients with the market intelligence and guidance they need for clear-headed decision-making in relation to recommended strategies for development.Based in London, and working with a network of associates, we provide strategic consultancy, deal origination, and business packaging services to businesses and investors in education and skills markets globally, working on a project-by-project basis for a diversity of clients across a wide range of industry verticals. Established in August 2019, the practice builds on the economic research, policy-making experience, consultancy expertise, and professional network of founding director, James Croft.The practice provides:STRATEGYGroup and business unit strategy developmentMarket and competitive analysisFinancial and operational modellingBusiness model developmentProposition developmentStrategic fact bases and work-shoppingImplementation planningM&ATarget identification, intelligence, and screeningCommercial due diligenceCustomer referencingPurchasing Manager's Index and 100 day-planningVENDOR SUPPORTWorking with a network of associates of wide expertise, we also provide support to vendors. We work to prepare their businesses for sale, gather interest from investors, and manage the bidding process, through offer acceptance, diligence, and final sale.