Nonprofit Organization Management - Lacey, Washington, United States
Our Common Home Farms (OCHF) is a Saint Martin's University project to provide food, education, and ecological resilience in our community. OCHF works to care for common homes in three ways:To provide nutrient-dense, locally grown, and ethically produced food within our community, especially for those in most need.To educate on sustainable agricultural practices, the relationship between good food and good health, and the responsibilities inherent within the communion of each individual with the human family and the natural world.To build climate change resilience in the areas of food production, the creation of habitat, and the mitigation of climate change processes.OCHF seeks to address food justice issues and strengthen the health of the local community through farming. The vision is also informed by a commitment to Catholic social teachings, Benedictine values, and the Integral Ecology argument in Pope Francis' encyclical Laudato Si. Moreover, OCHF is specifically addressing Food Justice issues and creating Climate Change resilience in the community. Learn more on our website.