Management Consulting - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Buried deep in Roman mythology is a deity named Janus, depicted as having two faces; one gazing to the past, and the other looking towards the future. Janus, the god of transitions, is a poignant symbol of the times: organizations full of outdated, past-oriented policy and attitudes, whilst also being surrounded by screaming signals about a vastly different, not-too-distant future.It's impossible to predict the future. But it is possible to anticipate scenarios based on logical, data-driven insights, and best prepare ourselves for rapidly changing conditions.Our emphasis is on the future - how to position your organization in the face of uncertainty, to craft poignant messages that endure, and bring out the best in your people to build a strong, future-facing organizational culture.Consider us your outpost; scanning the horizon for signals of change, finding the best position for your business given the climate, and orchestrating the tactics required to bring your preferred future to fruition.
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