Renewables & Environment - Springfield, Illinois, United States
RECONCILIATION ECOLOGY TECHNOLOGY approach to zero grid environmental equipment design: SOLAR POWERED AERATION SWEETFILTER® systems are patent pending, self supporting, micro grid units with programmable events timers, controlling up to 30 days of built-in power reserves including: Aquaculture Aerators with a design 5 year cost of ownership of less than $2/day while delivering 60 liters per minute of diffused air @ 1-3 mtrs of water depth 7 days a week for 9 hrs/day while maintaining 1-2 days of unused backup power, Sunbubblers for Algal Phytoremediation of Toxic Wastes, Floating Island Wetland Treatment Airlift Vertical & Horizontal Flow Developers, Floating Paddle Wheel Horizontal Flow Recirculators, Mosquito Abatement Bubbler Aerators, Storm Water Aerators, Air Strippers, Aerobic Lagoon Partially Mixed Aerators, Algal Bio-Fuel Aerators, Deicing Aerators, and Recreational Pond Aerators. Our airlift diffuser draft tubes produce high levels of induced mass transfer of oxygen to water using tiny PV panels and earths G2V-STAR at: & Windmill solar hybrid upgrades double airflows with a single Windsols 20 watt solar aerator at SEPTIC ODOR & GREENHOUSE GAS (GHG's) sequestration with our Sweetfilter® products at . More than 40% of all GHG's come from easily controllable sources including; Sewer Plumbing Vent Stacks, Landfill Vents, Septic Tank Vents, and Sewer Collection Systems. GROUNDWATER PROTECTION using the sun to power the rejuvenation of Onsite Septic Tank Systems with Septic Drain Filters & Solar Powered Septic Tank Aeration Systems at: . DEICING PONDS & LIVESTOCK TANKS employing thermal destratification with small vertical flow developing solar powered bubblers at: ROOFICE® Ice Dam Sock Systems toll free: 855-261-4726 fax: 866-422-0018 email: