Nonprofit Organization Management - , ,
People 4 PAWS - "Pets Are Worth Saving" is a progressive animal welfare, 501c3 non-profit. Our primary focus is rescuing abandoned and often abused canines. We RESCUE - REHABILITATE - REHOME and REJOICE.Our business model is a compilation of the 'best practices' of the leading NO-KILL animal rescues across America. We spent over 8 months traveling across America, interviewing state-of-the-art, progressive NO-KILL and often NO-CAGE organizations that are making a substantial difference in reducing or eliminating the kill rate of homeless domestic pets.We support the NO KILL NATION in their attempts to do away with the draconian methods of yester years to build a NO-KILL status of healthy, adoptable animals. We support their methodology and wish that other communities would recognize that there is a better, more cost-effective process.