Management Consulting - Footscray, Victoria, Australia
Progressive Care Solutions (PCS) are proud of our achievements within the Health, National Disability Insurance Scheme(NDIS), Consumer Directed Care(CDC) and Out of Home Care(OOHC) environments. Our specialist consultants have over two decades of experience in business transformation. Extensive knowledge of Whole of System, Government Strategies and Directions, Data and Literature related to these sectors, provides us with the point of difference, invaluable for strategic development.A potential $700M /yr growth in the Supported Disability Accommodation sector, and the assistive technology and aids area indicate businesses need to be building capacity for this unprecedented growth market in the coming 2 – 3 years.NSW Department of Planning and Environment estimate a 41% increase in the number of people aged 50 and over living in NSW from 2016 to 2036. This demographic shift underscores the need to explore existing housing types and more innovative dwellings and types of tenure such as co-housing, co-operatives or mixed equity housing. How does an organisation tap into this massive potential marketplace?PCS consultants analyse current market trends now and into the future and can assist your organisation through these exciting times. Our expertise includes:• the commercial, not-for-profit and social enterprise sectors;• grant/ tenders, accreditation and project management; • new markets, growth, systems and infrastructure, human resources and services;• start-ups, capacity development, growth and sustainability; mergers and acquisitions;• legislation, safeguarding, quality improvement and risk management; and • functions of state and local government. Margaret PyyvaaraManaging Director 0490 799 303
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