Market Research - , Ile-de-France, France
Promise Consulting is a consulting and market research firm that combines the expertise of Promise / JPL Consulting and of Promise / Panel On The Web (online studies) in the field of the evaluation and the optimization of the brand value from a marketing and customer point of view ("customer-based brand equity"). The company is based in Paris (France), New-Yok (USA) and Casablanca (Morocco).Thanks to a particularly innovative and multi awards-winning approach, the company offers an attractive alternative to the barometric studies or tracking. Its methodology Monitoring Brand Assets® is based on a 3 steps approach. 1st step: a survey of the customer-based brand value of all competing brands in a given market (18 key performance indicators are measured). With the analyzed data, both managers of manufacturers and retailers' brands have an immediately operational reading of their appropriate levers for growth. 2nd step: a modeling of the relations between the attitude-based and the usage-based brand value that leads to a clear hierarchy of the levers for growth. 3rd step: the use of a web-based software allows the client to define and prioritize its marketing action plans that can be simulated, compared and tracked overtime. The impact of the competitor's own strategies in a logic of "wargame" hitherto reserved to the field of strategy and now extended to the strategic and operational marketing.
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