Education Management - Kochi, Kerala, India
The Wait is finally over..!!After months of preparation, the Rajagiri National Business Quiz 2012, havefinally arrived at our doorstep. This is 3rd edition of the Business Quiz whichhave been revamped to bring in more participants from all over the country.The quiz this year has introduced the online preliminary rounds, unlike theprevious years where preliminary rounds were conducted at the RajagiriCampus.Beginning on 7th July, the first slot of the online prelims will take place from7-7:30 am.The registrations are still open and those who have not yetregistered, can register themselves and participate in the preliminary rounds.The next prelims will be held on 8th and 18th of July :)With over 400+ plus registrations this year, we are on our way to the zenith ofBest Business Quiz in the country. So gear up for the big game guys, and crackthe online prelims and travel till the end of the road.. Who knows..Maybe yourbrain-pan too might have an undiscovered God's Particle.!. ;)Wishing you all the very best..!