Management Consulting - Copenhagen, Capital Region of Denmark, Denmark
How do you prepare for a change of gear in an ever-changing business environment - and keeping up with daily operations at the same time? REFRAME NORDIC is helping SMEs in shifting to next level of growth. Focus is within a B2B context. We work with consulting and execution within Strategy & Business development, Marketing & branding as well as People & stakeholder management. We work across business areas within the organization and create a unique coherence and a 360 view on the company and the challenge. Our concept has created documented results over the past 15 years.From market challenges to market opportunities with a value-based approach: Does your company experience that competition increases, digitalization affects customer behavior and creates increased transparency, traditional channels are challenged by online channels, customer journey is complex, the sustainability agenda is a must and the value proposition is in constant change?REFRAME NORDIC helps translating market challenges to market opportunities. We have a value-based and purpose driven approach to the customer and to the business and we take point of departure in a strong value-based storytelling that drives behavior internally and in the market.Why REFRAME NORDICREFRAME: Reframe and rethink the existingNORDIC: With Nordic and Scandinavian background and valuesReframing is a technique that helps seeing business challenges in a new perspective. We believe in reframing and improving the existing to create tomorrow's growth. And we do it with a Nordic mind-set and values.Welcome to REFRAME NORDICWe hope to welcome you to REFRAME NORDIC and please get in contact for dialogue, a meeting or a workshop to define your specific situation and needs.Birgitte Arendsdorf Olsen / CEO & Founder / +45 6162 7165
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