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'YOUR STRATEGIC PARTNER IN THE MOBILE FINANCIAL SPACE'\\RTG is a Kineto Strategic Partner, with rights to roll-out Kineto's private cloud-based mobile money and payments platform throughout South Africa and beyond.\\Accessible and quick to market, with no costly hardware installations required, RTG, in partnership with Kineto's technology solution, brings mobile emerging banking, agent banking and/or virtual banking capabilities; as well as an extensive range of ‘out-of-the-box', readily available (already integrated and connected) local and international e-vending products.\\-Operate your own branded Virtual Bank.\-Be part of the ever growing Emerging Banking phenomena.\-Create the biggest Agent footprint, seamless, hassle free.\-Be up and running within only 10 days.\-Become 2D Enabled (a new mobile payment protocol).\-Enter the lucrative 20th Century Digital Commerce era.\\RTG is committed to supporting, consulting and guiding its clients with the implementation of their business model on the Kineto platform, where integration will most certainly ensure their customers benefit from the convenience of anytime, anywhere shopping and banking, through multiple mobile channels.