Waste/Recycling/Environmental - N/A, N/A, US
THE SEACHAR MISSIONThe Seattle BioChar Working Group is a grass-roots nonprofitorganization. Our mission is to promote the widespread use ofbiochar as a sustainable tool to fight climate change, build ahealthier environment and reduce waste. As citizens of a globalcommunity we feel a responsibility to help create the positive futurewe want to live in. Through biochar research, educational outreachand the development of technology, we will gain and share the tools to accomplish this.A STATEMENT OF OUR VALUESWe will conduct our mission in such a way as:To promote andprotect the diversity and equality of life.To nurture and valueinter-connected living systems, by building communityaround openly shared knowledge.To re-establish balance,through acts of reciprocity.OUR VISIONWe believe that with the sustainable use of clean biomass energyand biochar, everyone can help to manage the carbon cycle and rebuildthe health of our environment.It's time to get positive about negative thinking.
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