Education/Training - N/A, N/A, N/A
Simply Investing is an educational company, our goal is to empower and educate people all over the world to become better investors. Our courses are simple, concise, and easy to understand. Using plain English we eliminate the financial jargon to get you started right away. Our unique accelerated learning approach saves you time, minimizes your risk and increases your returns. We created Simply Investing to change the world, one person at a time. When you have financial independence a lot of problems including stress go away. Financial independence gives you time to enjoy the things in life that really matter, time with family and friends, and the resources to pursue self-development and leisure activities. We want to empower people like yourself to take charge of their investments, after all no one cares more about your money than you do. We teach you to ignore the noise (media hype, commissioned sales people, industry advertising, even misguided friends) and focus on value and quality. Acquire quality stocks when they are undervalued with a focus on long-term gains. Let us show you that investing can really be that simple!
Ruby On Rails
Google Apps
Google Cloud Hosting