Legal Services - , ,
"SITUS Legal Consulting Group" one of the leading companies in the field of legal and financial consulting and tax optimization in Latvia.Our firm specializes in the field of formation of the European and offshore companies. Our duty is to advise the best suitable jurisdiction for your business based on your goals and tax needs.The international law allows to create a company abroad, particularly according to the International Hague Convention, namely its Decree 92-521 of 16 June 1992 "any person or entity which is a European Community resident has the right to establish a company in the country of their choice without having to reside the tax "Once your international offshore company is created you will need to open an offshore bank account, which is necessary to let your comany function properly. Our job is to maintain relations with banks, namely opening a bank account with multi remote access (Internet banking), credit card unlimited withdrawals, anonymous card VISA, VISA employee, etc.. We work with several European and international banks.We have partners in legal field, namelyfinance and tax lawyers and solicitors, on every continent – America, Europe, Asia, which guarantees a high quality service."Situs Legal Consulting Group" was established in Latvia in 1994. Our company has extensive experience and contacts around the world to help us provide the best services and consultations to our highly respected clients.