Education Management - Amman, Amman Governorate, Jordan
Step2Be Academy is part of Step2Be International Group, and it was established for training and consultancy services. It was a priority to raise the efficiency of performance and commitment to accuracy and work to raise the community and highlight the leadership. Enjoy our young people and work to organize the active participation in the promotion of positive thinking to reach a positive community Reflects the cultural image of the local community to the outside world through training, development and practical applications. To raise the level of working man and to invest his energies and provide him with knowledge and the practical experience he needs The management body of the international step2Be Academy believes that the real capital is the human being, and it is of great interest to him At the level of employees or members trained in the Academy by working to motivate them and raise the level of quality and creation the spirit of competition for the better.Please visit us on:www.step2be.com communicate with us on:Tel # +962 6 4128188