Translation & Localization - Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
The World speaks one language ...Yours ¡OUR LINGUISTIC SERVICESSPECIALISED TRANSLATION- Response capacity: quote turnaround time of 1 hour, translation of 4,000 words per day/language.- Quality and specialisation: native, specialist translators. Expert review, guaranteeing consistency between languages. We translate into 80 languages. - Typesetting: delivery of the translated document in the original format.SIMULTANEOUS CONFERENCE CALL INTERPRETING : A UNIQUE INNOVATIONGENIUSCONFCALL.COM - Every participant speak in their own language, at their own desk, anywhere in the world- Simultaneous Interpreting Translation Teleconference Up to 3 Languages including Russian Chinese and Arabic- Multilingual meetings at 24 hours' noticeCONFERENCE INTERPRETINGWe can organise your event, no matter the size, anywhere in Europe. In addition, we use specialist, highly-rated equipmentMULTIMEDIA SERVICESMultilingual versions of your corporate or promotional videos: subtitling, dubbing or transcription of audio or video content. We also offer multilingual content creation services, in both online and offline formatsCONTENT DEVELOPMENTWe manage specialist strategic content projects for industries in which we maintain a constant presence, such as the creation of press kits, development of web content, blog creation with SEO and other servicesOUR VALUESTRUST: We guarantee that our collaborators, all of whom have signed NDAs, treat the documents they receive with absolute confidentialitySPEED: We offer fast and effective responses that adjust to the requirements of our clients and exceed their expectations, both in terms of time and formQUALITY: ISO 9001-2008 and UNE-EN 15038 -2006 certified is your one-stop shop for all your language needsVisit our websites : - Schedule a test and discover the unlimited possibilities of Genius ConfCall®
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