Non-Profit - Washington, DC, US
TechFreedom, launched in 2011, digs deep into the hard policy and legal questions raised by technological change. We're bullish on the future: for the most part, it'll be great — if we let it. If those in power can resist the all-too-natural impulse for stability and control. The future isn't a place we can design, it's an ongoing, never-ending process of trial-and-error. In general, we're for letting that process play out. Of course, it'll be messy; it always has been. There will be real problems to confront; there always have been. But there are no tidy, top-down "solutions," only adaptation, evolution, and policy frameworks that are better and worse at encouraging both. Crafting those frameworks is what we do. TechFreedom tries to write simple rules for a complex world — rules that focus on clear harms; rules can change and evolve over time; rules that leave people free to tinker, innovate and experiment; rules that unleash ingenuity rather than trying to direct it. In short, we teach policymakers how to be friends, not enemies, of the future.
Microsoft Office 365
Backbone JS Library