Mining & Metals - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
BRINGING THE BEST EUROPEAN AND AUSTRALIAN TECHNOLOGY TO REMOVE YOUR TAILINGSOur consortium solution is to achieve near zero mine tailings waste flowsheet. The concept includes existing technologies, current research and experience from the Circular Mine Consortium team adapted into a recycling process aimed at removing the need for costly tailings dams and the associated risks. Tailings are reviewed as part of a resource and become an important by-product and asset to be processed and marketed. A further opportunity exists in carbonation capture technology to produce construction materials and revegetation.SERVICES AVAILABLE• REPROCESSING and DECONTAMINATIONInnovative bioleaching reactor to recover the metals and clean the tailings.• CLASSIFICATION and SORTINGAnalysing and sorting to maximise the recycling value of the tailings.• CARBON CAPTURE and REPURPOSINGCapturing CO2 in minerals later repurposed into construction materials.• RECYCLINGTransforming into backfill and organic soil suitable for rehabilitation.