Government - Washington, District of Columbia, US
The Lab @ DC partners with agencies in DC government to help design, target, start up, and evaluate District programs with a resident-centered lens. Our projects span education, transportation, housing, and more. Learn more about our methods. We are an applied research and design team embedded in DC government and composed of civic designer researchers, social scientists, and data scientists. Our team members are primarily full-time DC government employees with deep technical expertise. A few part-time faculty and research assistants from local universities supplement our core team. The Lab @ DC is centralized in the Office of Budget and Performance Management, which is in the Office of the City Administrator. We also have agency-based team members at the District Department of Transportation, the DC Department of Human Services, and the Metropolitan Police Department. Our Director reports to DC’s Budget Director to ensure that the District’s policy decisions are informed by the best evidence from research and resident perspectives.