Higher Education - , ,
Much of the spectrum of how business engages with risk, and how such engagement, in turn, impacts society is opaque. This journal is sensitive to the conceptual and practical considerations imposed on scholars of business by this opaqueness. This peer-reviewed journal welcomes basic research on how business manages and engages with risk, and/or on the resulting effect on society.The Review of Business has no publication or subscription fees. The journal (ISSN 0034-6456, www/stjohns.edu/ROB) is indexed (in full text or in citation) on the Web of Science (Emerging Sources), ProQuest (Global Collection), EBSCO (Business Source Primer), IgnitEd (core collection). It is on Cabell's Whitelist. The library system of St. John's University maintains a complete on-line archive of the journal's issues. The Peter J. Tobin College of Business at St John's University publishes a hard-copy of the Journal in January and June.