Arts & Crafts - Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands
Reàl Dance Company is the one-man enterprise of dancer, choreographer, teacher, cultural thinker and reformer Thomas Körtvélyessy. Its function is to realize his artistic vision of dance as a fully emancipated, integrated, sensorial, empowering, connecting, challenging, exciting, healing, engaging activity for the 21st century. Over the course of year, he has created a body of work that examines fundamental conditions and questions of dance making, drawing from the past, and dancing in the here & now towards the future.The company has a number of activities: • creating and producing new artistic works by Thomas Körtvélyessy in his practical examination of conditions for making dance in the 21st century, based on his own personal vision• disseminatig and re-creating repertory works• research new fields of dance, especially in the areas of alternative globalisation, intermedia and interdisciplinary exchange• develop an integrated, sustainable dance training that can successfully lead to the understanding of as many other forms of dance as possible• publicate texts about choreographic concerns and practical researchThe central method is expressed in the X (also as in X for unknown, crossing, or multiplication)Grants have been given by the Rotterdam Arts Council, the Kinetic Awareness® Center (New York), the European Cultural Foundation, Fleur Groenendijk Foundation (Rotterdam), and Akasha Foundation (Arnhem)