Health, Wellness & Fitness - Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
TINSEL is for those whose inner critic is too loud, their anxiety is holding them back, or are stuck needing people's acceptance to feel their own worth. They have a feeling inside that they're worth more, can be more but don't know where to start. To access TINSEL's advice, you can visit our online hub and subscribe to our weekly emails, where we talk about all the things news feeds, schools, parents and even Google left off the list of "important shit you need to know and how to do it". Hush-hush topics will be discussed, because if no-one is talking about them, how are you meant to know what to do. The emails will become a go-to handbook, a best friend, that you can call on when you need a bit of coaching, a touch of inspiration, or a practical idea to make change happen in your life. All with a whole lot of sparkle.Be real | Be compassionate | Feel connected | Live mindfully
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