Management Consulting - Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria
here are over 37 million micro, small and medium sized enterprises in Nigeria. Data shows that these businesses have been failing at the rate of 4 out of 5 within the first 3 years of business, largely due to a lack of access to proper managerial skills and advice. At an average rate as low as $4000/annum/client, this is a $148 billion market begging to be dominated. Tres Intergral Cnsulting seeks to use technological platforms to provide quality managerial information and advice to these firms in Nigeria and Africa, thus ensuring sustainability and growth in this sector. Our platforms will improve access while simultaneously driving down individual client cost of obtaining these services (a major barrier up to this point). Our mission is to contribute to the growth and development of African economies as well as reduction in unemployment and poverty by ensuring the sustainability and growth of MSMEs in these countries. Tres Integral Consulting proposes using online platforms to offer services to MSMEs in the areas of financial accounting and diagnostics, Market research and digital branding.