Venture Capital & Private Equity - , , United States
TRL9 was founded by recognized entrepreneurs and scientists who have had significant impact in their respective fields. The company commercializes Innovation from unique sources of complex and highly sought after IP largely held within classified US scientific and military research programs like the Aerospace Corporation, the Naval Postgraduate School, NASA and other non-public domain deal flow sources.The TRL9 team brings experience in high technology development environments.They believe passionately that complex problems in the world can be address through technologies that support government policy.Prior to TRL9, the scientist's efforts (David Oppenheimer) at the National Sensor Corporation resulted in the development of hyper-spectral sensors for detection of chemical weapons in real-time from ground and air platforms. Oppenheimer also spent extensive time working on policy matters to help educate civic, military and the U.S. government on issues of chemical weapons detection in a variety of military and civilian environments. Since September 11, 2001, Oppenheimer's focus has been directed in areas of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons defense and pushed for techniques for early detection of threats.THE PRIME OPPENHEIMER MODELPrime Oppenheimer has evolved from an investment model developed jointly with partners at The Aerospace Corporation and the private sector. The objective was to understand and then develop an approach that reduces the perceived and real risks for investing in emerging technologies. Prime Oppenheimer draws on Aerospace's 50 years of research and development and the unique perspective of a team that understands how to engage, advance and commercialize emerging technology. Together this spawned a hybrid model of investment (partially based on the DARPA process) that continually focuses each activity towards meeting a need in the commercial marketplace.