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When technology succeeds in solving a problem in our lives, it becomes invisible. The ticking of a clock so constant as to fade into the background. Too often, we begin to take this transformative force for granted. But technology is not, by nature, an inclusive phenomenon. Its availability in every context can not be assumed. And as the clock ticks on unnoticed, lives are lost.The right combination of capabilities and conditions must be created to give technology a more humane dimension, and allow the benefits it can confer to be enjoyed more widely.The right connections must be made, at the correct moment. This is our role at UNTIL. Until technology includes all. The UN Technology Innovation Labs (UNTILs) are designed to move humanity forward, faster by focusing on the use of innovative technology to solve some of humanity's most pressing needs.The goal of the Labs is to function as a start-up environment and create a platform to answer Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) challenges, and collaborative problem solving between UN resources, Private sector, Academia and Civil Society.Each Lab facilitates linking this platform with innovators and mentors from across the globe as well as to facilitate the global exchange of ideas and resources. UNTIL functions as a Laboratory and tool, offering advisory support and guidance that will facilitate problem-solving through hands-on-workshops, immersion-learning, and incubated projects.The Labs focus on specific thematic areas of concern to the host country. Themes will not be duplicated to the extent possible in other global Labs, but technology will be shared and transferred creating an ecosystem of innovative technology tools and test beds for proof of concepts.UNTILabs are operational in Finland, Egypt, Malaysia, and India - and in more locations soon.