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MORTGAGE BANKING EXPERTISE FOR BANKS VC Mortgage Banking Equity Group ("VCMB") is a Denver, Colorado-based residential mortgage banking management team with 25 years of experience backed by a multi-million dollar private equity investor group. VCMB is focused on partnering with and educating commercial banks interested in residential mortgage banking. By partnering with VCMB, banks are able to dramatically improve their bottom line performance, conservatively diversify their consolidated balance sheet with quality assets that require relatively low risk-based capital treatment, and more quickly and conservatively achieve their CRA (Community Reinvestment Act) objectives. In addition, VCMB is able to help banks rapidly diversify and expand the deposit liabilities on their balance sheet, significantly augmenting existing deposit gathering strategies while strengthening bank customer retention and portfolio defense efforts. APPROACH The VCMB management team recognizes that each bank's path to success is unique. Structuring a mortgage banking partnership that is in full alignment with the bank's overall strategic vision and unique circumstances is critical. VCMB is able to bring private equity capital to the table when necessary to become a true equity partner in helping a bank achieve its long term objectives. By creating a jointly funded venture, structured as an operating subsidiary of a national or federally chartered bank, VCMB is able to help banks create a lasting mortgage banking platform that has sustainable franchise value. WEBSITE: