Higher Education - Rijeka, Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, Croatia
The basic task of the Polytechnic of Rijeka is educating futurespecialist oriented towards practical work, making them capableof independent application of professional and scientific methodsspecific to a particular area of education. For this purpose programmesof individual studies comprise theoretical and practical knowledgeincluding student training in specific working environmentsdepending on the profile of specialist they are trained for.So far the Polytechnic has been in large part successful in itsefforts to fulfil its Mission – to produce highly educated entrepreneurialand creative people needed in the market economy and the processesof globalization, the ones that will be able to implement in practicethe knowledge acquired and in this way to contribute to the overalldevelopment of the Republic of Croatia.Vision of the Polytechnic envisages the institution as the centreof excellence providing highly professional education of outstandingquality and great efficiency based on learning outcomes and lifelonglearning. Active cooperation with the industry and integration in theEuropean space of higher education and European research spacewill remain basic features of the Polytechnic of Rijeka.
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