Management Consulting - New York, New York, United States
Process Improvement:Top Line - Optimize sales, marketing, and customer service efforts. Bottom Line - Increase productivity and deliver cost savings to be more efficient and effective.Transformation:Ensure the business process is robust and stable for digital transformation, automation, and/or business transformation.Change Management:Ensure success as the organization transitions from current to the future state during its Digital Transformation, Automation, and/or Business Transformation initiatives.Project Management:Manage projects from start to finish to include: Organizing, Planning, Managing, Risk Mitigation, and Reporting.Analytics:Data analysis using statistics, build regression models, and buildWin/Lose sales prediction models.Lean Six Sigma Training:Sponsor Training - for project sponsors.Yellow Belt Training - focused on root cause analysis.Green Belt Training - for key personnel focused on problem solving.Lean Training - for key personnel focused on waste elimination.Black Belt Training - for key leaders focused on continuous improvement.