Non-Profit - Worcester, MA, US
The Worcester Youth Center (WYC) is an educational, recreational, and social facility for youth between the ages of 14 and 24. WYC's mission is to provide a safe place where young people can build lasting, positive changes in their lives. WYC accomplishes this mission by seeking resources, collaborations, and opportunities that help young people to realize their full potential, sharpen skills and enable them to become vital, responsible, and contributing members of society. WYC has been and continues to be a "safe haven" for young people in Worcester.WYC opened its doors in 1994 after three years of planning by youth, city officials, youth organizations, and adult advocates. Together, they envisioned a drop-in center that would be open to all young adults and adolescents throughout Worcester. It would not charge fees for membership or programs. WYC has since grown in its ability to carry out the mission.Over the past twenty-five years, WYC has increased the capacity to serve more youth and offers a wider variety of programs and transitional support activities promoting positive youth development. Our program model recognizes the developmental needs of youth and encourages them during the various phases of their social, physical, and intellectual maturation. Today, Worcester Youth Center is truly aspiring to exemplify the motto: "it's not just a place to go, it is a place to go further."
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