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Work and spirituality sit at the center of human life. Everyone wants a good job, and we all have questions about our purpose, morality, and what happens after we die.These ideas are deeply intertwined. What we think about the Creator and what we do with our work is as intimately connected as are body, mind, and spirit.Many concerned about the role of modern work tend to emphasize our humanity. Workplace conferences say they "make work more human." Technology companies like Gusto believe they're "making work meaningful for everyone, everywhere." Analysts sell their services to help create an "engaging and meaningful culture."While all these organizations help answer questions to "make the world a better place" through our workplaces, they don't go far enough.What does it mean to be human? What is meaning, and where does it come from? What is a culture, and how do you create one? What is work good for anyway, and how is it defined?These are theological questions that cannot be answered by science and technology alone.We'll explore questions like this through these short notes on the divination of labor, where we'll work on our theology of work together.Read more on workingtheology.com.