Nonprofit Organization Management - , ,
The Your Daily Dose of Nonprofit (YDDN) newsletter for nonprofit professionals brings a wide range of relevant content from across the Net directly to your Inbox and aims to help you learn, implement and grow.Planned giving. Email. Storytelling. Ethics. Leadership. Fundraising. Content marketing. Media outreach. Web design. Life work balance. Board management. Work life balance. Communications.That's a partial list of topics covered in the YDDN newsletter. They are all relevant to the work being done by every single employee in your organization.Maybe your boss doesn't want you ‘wasting time' looking for enriching content to help you in your current nonprofit role. YDDN has you covered. We list the estimated reading time for each article, so that you know how much of your coffee break you'll need to learn something new.Even when a boss allows, there may not be enough hours in the day to search for and read interesting articles. Or maybe we internalize the pressure of getting everything done now and we don't allow ourselves the gift of learning?YDDN is here to help. The goal is to find a wide range of relevant content, information filled articles and bring four of them to your Inbox, every Monday through Thursday. Click, learn, implement.Subscribe here: is a project of 1832 Communications.
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