Design - , , China
work contact:\\\ZOMAR is a Shanghai-based Creative & Design Studio\ \ZOMAR team of specialists have over 10 years international experience with a great passion for providing successful & efficient visual solutions for brands and corporates from different industries like real estate, gaming, fashion & beauty, healthcare, digital marketing, etc.\\We are aiming to create a lasting and growing relationship between our clients and their consumers, make the brand become a carrier of aesthetic ideal exceeding their consumers' expectation, make them proud to get involved in the brand communication by creating a positive emotional association with the brand.\\作为专注于品牌,视觉创意,概念艺术及后期执行制作的精品工作室,灶马集合相关领域优秀人才资源,组成多面性的专业团队;在医疗健康,建工地产,奢侈品,美容时尚,电商等行业拥有多年海内外知名企业及品牌项目的成功实战经验。\\服务理念&优势\灶马以"Design is about solving problems"为使命,真正做到为解决问题而做设计。从客户的立场和需求出发,综合考虑市场收效和执行成本,建立明确的定位和策略,为企业或品牌量身打造最适合的视觉方案。