Marketing and Advertising - , Missouri, United States
Zu USA. is an industry-leading online recruitment agency offering its private and non-profit clients in the post-secondary education space quality over quantity and higher value over higher volume. We cut through the clutter to bring you only the best prospects — highly focused, highly qualified and highly targeted.We generate our inquiries organically through a proprietary method integrating social media, SEO, search engine marketing, a closed network of highly talented, compliant recruitment professionals, and our St. Louis-based call center. Our innovative approach is grounded in strong ethical methodologies and the latest technology and exceptional expertise. We've been in the inquiry generation business for several decades -- both as agency experts and as clients; we understand what it is like to serve on both sides of the agency-client fence. At Zu, we are leading a revolution and looking for clients seeking something different.
Rackspace Email
Route 53
Amazon AWS