The Fair Work Ombudsman is an independent statutory office. We promote harmonious, productive, cooperative and compliant workplace relations in Australia. Our jurisdiction is set out in the Fair Work Act 2009 and our services are free to all workers and employers in Australia. Read more about our role, purpose and priorities here: We do not advise on specific scenarios or current investigations on social media. If you require help or advice, please call us or send us an online enquiry: If you are a small business, you can also find specialised resources on and assistance via our small business helpline on 13 13 94. When posting to our page, please remember to give everyone a fair go. Discretion is a good rule of thumb. Please don’t share personal employment info or contact details, for your own privacy. Also do not make allegations against specific employees or employers on this page. Remember, making comments on social media about your employer and your workplace – even if you don’t name names – can be against the terms of your employment contract. Making comments about employees can also have legal implications. Just don’t do it here. If you have an issue contact us through our website or by calling instead. If you have info you think we should know about, but don’t want to get involved, you can also send us a tip-off: Comments that are sexist, racist, offensive and/or defamatory will be removed. Content will also be removed if it: *is bullying *is discriminatory *is illegal or potentially illegal *is fraudulent *is misleading *is spam or advertising *relates to a formal workplace investigation or legal matter (past or present) *contains personal details or sensitive information *links to any non-government page. Other than these points, we look forward to your thoughts and ideas