Daphne Olivier

registered di at LWell - , N/A, US

Daphne Olivier's Contact Details
Lafayette, Louisiana Area
Daphne Olivier's Company Details
LWell logo, LWell contact details


, N/A, US • 10 - 19 Employees
Healthcare Facility/Healthcare Services

Wellness experts at LWell offer the following programs in corporate, fitness and clinical settings: Sample of LWellness Educational Offering Power Point Lectures: Curb the Carb Cravings Soy for Breast Cancer Survivors Healthy Digestion Post-Menopausal Weight Gain Anti-inflammatory Eating Trust your Neighbor Farmer: Local vs Organic and GMO foods Raising the Bar – Which bars are candy and which bars are healthy? Good carbs? Clean Proteins and Fun Fats Food Labels and Marketing Labels How do you Milk? The dairy debate Food Combining: Get the glycemic index to work for you Diabetes Doesn't Define You: Living Gracefully with Diabetes Exercise Strategically (and improve your Labs faster) Juicing vs. Smoothies vs. Shakes Weight Loss 101 Advanced Weight Loss Diabetes- reimbursable education Diabetes Self Management Education and Training Hands-on Workshops: Meal Plan: Create your shopping list Meal Plan: Make the plan doable Meal Plan: Sunday Prep Start Grocery Store Tour – Diabetes Grocery Store Tour – Anti-inflammatory Eating Grocery Store Tour – Optimal Nutrition Grocery Store Tour – Focused meal plan and shopping list Cooking Classes: Spice it up! Using new flavors to replace sugar, salt and fat. Plant-Based Proteins Lean Greens – Beyond salad Superfoods and Super Flavor! 1 Dish Meals for glycemic control Convenient Crockpot Creations Freezer Bag Meals Easy Quick and Delicious Vegetable Recipes Real Men Eat Quiche – Delicious and healthful quiches and Frittatas Tasting Demos Hydrate Healthfully with Flavor! Tofu Taste Test Smoothies! Diet Challenges – 6 week challenges: Plant-Based Challenge: Try on a vegetarian eating strategy Eat and Run: Convenience Eating for the busy dieter Carbs-Fats-Proteins: a 6 week kick off for healthy eating forever Sugarless – a six week sugar-free plan Portion Control Tools and Meal Replacements

Healthcare Facility/Healthcare Services Health and Allied Services Nec Health Wellness and Fitness
Details about LWell
Frequently Asked Questions about Daphne Olivier
Daphne Olivier currently works for LWell.
Daphne Olivier's role at LWell is registered di.
Daphne Olivier's email address is ***@lwell.com. To view Daphne Olivier's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Daphne Olivier works in the Healthcare Facility/Healthcare Services industry.
Daphne Olivier's phone number is 757-585-3441
See more information about Daphne Olivier