Debby Huang

Sales Manager at Le Cordon Bleu Japan - Shibuya City, Tokyo, Japan

Debby Huang's Colleagues at Le Cordon Bleu Japan
Koji Isabe

Assistant Marketing Manager / Designer

Contact Koji Isabe

Debby Huang's Contact Details
Le Cordon Bleu Japan
Debby Huang's Company Details
Le Cordon Bleu Japan logo, Le Cordon Bleu Japan contact details

Le Cordon Bleu Japan

Shibuya City, Tokyo, Japan • 13 Employees
Higher Education

[Japanese below]Founded in Paris in 1895, Le Cordon Bleu is the leading global network of culinary arts and hospitality institutes with more than 35 institutes in 20 countries and 20,000 students of over 100 nationalities are trained every year. Le Cordon Bleu combines innovation and creativity with tradition through its certificates, diplomas and bachelors and master degrees, including an online degree in gastronomic tourism.ル・コルドン・ブルーは、1895年、パリに創立されたカリナリーアーツとホスピタリティの教育機関です。世界20カ国に35校の国際的ネットワークを展開し、毎年100以上の国籍の約20000人の生徒たちが学んでいます。ル・コルドン・ブルーは、サーティフィカ、ディプロム、学士号や修士号、またオンライン学位まで、「食」ビジネスの分野において伝統に革新と創造性を融合した各種のプログラムを提供しています。【東京校】東京都渋谷区猿楽町28-13 ROOB1TEL : 0120-454840受付時間:月〜金 7:45~19:00、土・日・祝【神戸校】兵庫県神戸市中央区播磨町45 ザ・フォーティーフィフス 6, 7FTEL : 0120-138221受付時間:9:00〜

Details about Le Cordon Bleu Japan
Frequently Asked Questions about Debby Huang
Debby Huang currently works for Le Cordon Bleu Japan.
Debby Huang's role at Le Cordon Bleu Japan is Sales Manager.
Debby Huang's email address is ***@. To view Debby Huang's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Debby Huang works in the Higher Education industry.
Debby Huang's colleagues at Le Cordon Bleu Japan are Geoffrey Leost, Gaelle Akahori, Koji Isabe, Kaoru Honda, Yukie Sasaki and others.
Debby Huang's phone number is
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