WILDWOOD.STORE aims to involve farmers as harvesters and a distribution partner, to create a commercially viable forager's network, called wildfood.store.Diego Bonetto build on his extensive knowledge of wild foods that grow throughout the region, and aims to trial a business model that links landowners with chefs via wholesalers at Flemington Markets, so that quantities of highly valued edible wild foods harvested from farms can be distributed to the high end restaurants of Sydney.Plants such as farmers friends, chickweed and purslane, which are perceived as weeds by many farmers, sell for high prices as exotic ingredients to chefs and cooks in the city.Bonetto has established relationships with several land owners who are curious about the economic potential of the plants which grow abundantly on their properties. Wildfood.store will explore the possibilities of fostering a grassroots cooperative strategy in collaboration with a small network of landowners. The project will be underpinned by community-engaged workshops in collaboration with chefs and distributors, in order to define key staple produce that can form the basis for an ongoing relationship between rural and city consumers.