NH DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS MISSION STATEMENT Our mission is to reduce recidivism by providing safe, humane supervision, and evidence-based rehabilitation to enhance public safety in New Hampshire. Core Values Statement: The New Hampshire Department of Corrections is committed to fulfilling its mission by upholding the following values: Dedication – WE COMMIT EVERY DAY TO DOING DIFFICULT WORK, IN A CHALLENGING ENVIRONMENT, WHILE MAINTAINING PROFESSIONALISM AND RESPECT. One Team – WE ACHIEVE OUR BEST RESULTS WORKING TOGETHER, AND ACROSS DIVISIONS, IN PURSUIT OF OUR MISSION. Courage – IN THE FACE OF DAILY ADVERSITY, WE DEMONSTRATE THE PHYSICAL AND MORAL FORTITUDE TO USE OUR AUTHORITY APPROPRIATELY AND HONESTLY. Our Vision Statement: A fully staffed workforce where everyone is professionally developed, where every individual is engaged in progressive rehabilitation, in state-of-the-art facilities. Victim Recognition Statement: The NH DOC recognizes and respects the impact of crime upon victims and their families. We acknowledge and support the rights of crime victims, remaining mindful of our role in their process of recovery.