Religious Institutions - Jerusalem, Jerusalem District, Israel
Welcome to Derech, where no two students are alike, and where a young man with limited Jewish background learns with a student who grew up in a yeshivishe family, or with a modern orthodox yeshiva day school graduate. The common denominator is that each individual wants to be a mensch, to grow in his Yiddishkheit, and to become closer to Hashem.Derech's approach is based on the verse, "Chanoch lanaar al pi darko" (Mishlei 22:6, "Educate a child according to his unique qualities"). Every student is treated as an individual, and no singular educational approach works best with every individual. There are many legitimate ways to serve Hashem. Some of our graduates continue learning in kollel while others join the Israeli army. Most return to North America, Europe, South Africa or Australia for university or vocational school. We work with students to help them identify their strengths and talents, nurture these in the course of their studies, and try to give them skills to implement them in the future so that they can become productive members of their Jewish communities.Derech is the post high school "Gap Year" program of Ohr Somayach.
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